Sugar CRM Community Project Management vs Advance Project Management


. Per the updated product comparison guide and internal verification, SugarCRM CE edition no longer has project management functionality built in.

If you are interested in the project management functionality of SugarCRM, the first question that you may have when comparing SugarCRM Pro to SugarCRM CE versions is “what is the difference between project management and advanced project management?”

If you are not familiar with the comparison chart, SugarCRM Community Edition shows project management but Professional and Enterprise offers Advanced Project Management. The comparison chart is usually where the “whats the difference” question originates from. The Community Edition offers the ability to create Projects, Project Tasks, and relate information to the project records as seen in the partial below.


Creating projects and the tasks assigned to them is a helpful feature but this could be easily built with Module Builder. It is only when modules go beyond the functionality of what could be done with Module Builder do they become the most useful. The same applies for the project management module hence advanced project management. Advanced Project Management offers multiple pieces of additional functionality which includes resource management, project templates, Gantt charts, a project dashboard, project holidays, and the ability to export to MS Project. Project Management Comparison Chart:

Feature Community Professional Enterprise
Project Management X X X
Project Tasks X X X
Resource Management X X
Project Templates X X
Gantt Charts X X
Project Dashboard X X
Project Holidays X X
Export to MS Project X X

Resource management gives project owners the ability to assign users and contacts to projects. These users and contacts will then be used in the Gantt charts for the visualization of a project. Resources Sub-Panel resources

Project Templates are most useful for companies that do similar projects on a reoccurring basis. With templates, a user can add all of the common tasks that are required for reoccurring project types in order to speed up the build out of the next project.

templateOf all of the extra features in Advanced Project Management, Gantt charts are considered one of the most useful to many users. Especially for those who are MS Project users.


As you may be able tell from the example chart above, the Gantt functionality closely follows that of the most common functions used in MS Project. Chart creators can assign resources ( users and contacts ), set predecessors, and analyze estimated duration vs actual duration which is very handy for analyzing estimation accuracy and progress. With the ability to create charts it is only natural that SugarCRM give you the ability to export to MS Project. The last added feature in Advanced Project Management is Project Holidays. Project Holidays blocks out dates on a per user basis so that the project time lines are accurate and adjust for any possible deviations. Holidays Subpanel


Holiday Scheduling Form
